Fix Loose Jeans w/ a 12-Pack of Button Pins for $6.59 on Amazon – Frugal Alternative to Belts!

Need a belt but don’t have one? Amazon has a solution!
Head over to Amazon where they are offering this Jeans Button Pins 12-Pack for only $6.59 (regularly $8.99)!
These button pins can completely eliminate your need for a belt altogether! 😱 Just stick them on the waistband of your jeans and instead of fastening your sewn-in jean button, fasten the pin instead. You’ll instantly have a tighter waistband without the clunkiness (or price) of a belt – wow!
Plus, they’re super sturdy so you don’t have to worry about them ripping your jeans or coming unfastened. And you can throw a few in your purse for any wardrobe malfunction.
Check out a few 5-star reviews…
What a brilliant thing! My daughter who is 17 found out about these and uses them all the time. She is tall and thin but has a curvy backside so it’s hard to find jeans that fit in all areas, usually, she has a gap in her waist on the back. This eliminates that and you can’t even tell she has moved her button over. So smart!
These have been an absolute lifesaver!! For anyone who feels cramped in their jeans when sitting down, just get a size or two up and use these! You can switch back and forth between buttons when you’re walking around and sitting and have the perfect pair of jeans ☺️
Love these so much. I have either a smaller-than-average waist or larger than average backside. 🙂 Either way, lots of my pants fit too loosely in the waist. These are such an inexpensive, easy way to cinch up my pants’ waist just enough to fit well. Thank you!
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