
Phil Hellmuth Has Epic Meltdown On ‘No Gamble, No Future,’

Posted on: August 5, 2024, 04:40h. 

Last updated on: August 5, 2024, 04:40h.

Poker legend Phil Hellmuth stormed off the set during the filming of an episode of Poker Go’s “No Gamble, No Future” after an expletive-laden meltdown at the Aria, Las Vegas.

Phil Hellmuth, meltdowns, Humboldt Mike, No Gamble No Future, Aria Las Vegas
What the Hellmuth? Phil gets mouthy with “Humboldt Mike” before dramatically exiting the building during the filming of PokerGo’s “No Gamble, No Future” at the Aria Las Vegas. (Image: PokerGo)

“The Poker Brat” ripped off his microphone, flung it on the table after he felt he had been disrespected by his opponent, “Humboldt Mike.”

Hellmuth may have won 17 World Series bracelets – more than anyone else on the planet — but his trademark emotional blowups are the stuff of legend. And while the 60-year-old, who once claimed he could “dodge bullets, baby,” may have mellowed in recent years, last week’s explosion could be one for the ages.

‘Start the Car’

It all kicked off when Hellmuth lost a large pot to Mike during the 200/$400 no-limit cash game, which aired last week. But trouble had been brewing for a while. Earlier, Hellmuth lost a coinflip with A-K against Ryan Feldman’s pocket queens.

“F–ing morons running like this against me, it’s unbelievable,” he seethed.

Later, facing several straddles and a raise to $9K from Mike, Hellmuth woke up with A-Q and moved all in for his remaining $24K. Once more, he found himself in a flip when Mike turned over pocket jacks.

Things were looking rosy for Hellmuth when an ace appeared in the window, but not so great when a jack hit on the river.

“Start the car baby, let’s go!” sang Mike dancing a jig around his chair.

But it was his next comment that truly triggered Hellmuth

“Phil, I’ve got an address if you need to send some [money],” Mike said, as the dealer counted out the chips.

‘You Want Me to Quit?’

Cue meltdown: “Buddy, I told you, alright, you want me to quit? Alright I’m going to f–ing quit. I can’t play with you anymore. You’re such an a–hole, man,” spat Hellmuth.

I don’t mind losing the flip, I really don’t,” he continued. “But come on, I asked you not to do that s–t. You have been more out of line to me than any other person. No, you’ve been more out of line to me than any other person has been to me in a year and a half. F–k you, man. I don’t know who you f–ing are, but I’m never going to film with you again.”

Even for a Hellmuth blowup, it’s pretty epic. Of course, the real winner here is PokerGo, because the Poker Brat’s meltdowns have a certain viral power – this one has already been viewed half a million times on YouTube.

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