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TikTok Shares Insights Into Effective App Marketing Approaches

TikTok has published a new guide to app marketing on the platform, with new insights from measurement and analytics provider Adjust which underline how to create effective app promotions.

The guide is based on insights from the Middle East and North African regions, though many of the notes are universal, and will apply to all app marketers,

You can download TikTok’s full overview here (available in three regional variants), but in this post, we’ll take a look at some of the highlights.

The main focus of the guide is based around three key strategies for app marketing:

TikTok app marketing report

The guide explores each of these elements in-depth, including practical notes and tips on how to lean into these key elements.

There are also various stats on app marketing engagement, and how TikTok users respond to app campaigns.

TikTok app marketing report

While there are also insights into how TikTok app ads perform in different verticals, and why it can be a valuable driver of app promotions.

Finally, there are also notes on seasonal promotions, and how TikTok campaigns can facilitate broader connection.

TikTok app marketing report

There are some interesting notes here, and while it’s only a brief report, there could be some good pointers for your app strategy.

You can download TikTok’s app marketing reports here.

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