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YouTube Adds ‘Members Only Shorts’ to Help Drive Creator Subscriptions

YouTube has added another way to incentivize channel subscriptions with Members Only Shorts, enabling creators to share exclusive short-form content with their paying fans.

As outlined in the video, creators will be able to select “Members Only” within the upload flow for their Shorts, adding a level of exclusivity to their uploads.

Members Only Shorts will be displayed with a star icon on the thumbnail, indicating that they’re only viewable by paying subscribers. Channel members will be shown these Members-Only clips in both their Shorts and Subscription feeds. while they’ll also be accessible in the Membership tab.

As explained by YouTube:

“[Members Only Shorts] lets you take advantage of your already-planned content, and can be especially beneficial for your members if your Short features a special announcement product drop, or limited-time deal. Try using members-only Shorts for Q&As behind-the-scenes looks, or clips of upcoming content.”

It’s another simple way to provide perks for your paying members, and drive more community in the app. And it’s a fairly simple option to build on your subscriber value, which could make it a popular consideration for those looking to monetize their YouTube content.

And with Shorts now driving 70 billion views per day in the app, it’s clearly a popular option. It could be worth tapping into that with your content.

YouTube says that Members Only Shorts are being rolled out to all YPP members from today.

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